Dr. Lea Kelley, DC, LAc, MTOM, DiplOM

Body Sculpting






Let’s have this fascia conversation! We need to, because it’s estimated that 80% of the population will report back pain at some point in their life {1} and fascia is almost never part of the conversation about a SOLUTION!

There are so many ways that we could begin to have a discussion about what causes all our back stiffness and problems. In a quick google search of “back pain”, we immediately see scary words pop up like “degenerative discs” and “spondylitis”. Or on the other end of the spectrum, we see articles on posture awareness and supplements. No wonder there is so much confusion on how to keep our back muscles and spine in tip-top condition.

So, I would like to invite you to learn about back health with 3 SIMPLE CONCEPTS! Some of these may even be new to you, or they will help to enhance your current understanding! What I am about to present in this quick blog is backed by a mountain of science, but in Ashley Black fashion, let’s simplify...

Fascia and muscles get achy 


The first concept is the most simple: Our muscles and our fascia can become achy and swollen anywhere in the body due to fatigue or overexertion. There is a reason everyone loves a good back rub! Our poor muscles seem to always be tight, hence the never ending rise in massage clinics, chair massagers, pain creams, patches, etc. We know intuitively that tight feels bad! So, let’s address this together.

When we go through our day to day lives, we need to remember that our muscles can:




The fascia is there running over and through the muscles, and can grab the muscles pulling them into “tightness”, or even a cramp in its most contracted state. We often spend far too much time with our back muscles and fascia contracted, and not enough time relaxed and stretched! Then we swell! Sadly, fascia is a big part of the problem, because fascia is naturally sticky as its main function is to hold things together.. But when fascia is not hydrated and healthy, it acts more like duct tape to our muscles, preventing them from gliding smoothly. Just mess around with chicken fascia the next time you cook and you will see for yourself. 🐔

So, let’s get loose! Loosen the muscles and minimize achiness? How?


FasciaBlast! FasciaBlast YOUR BACK to comb through the fascia knots, and set the muscles free! If you’ve never seen the FasciaBlaster in action, click here to see an animation.


KryoPacks! Lay on the back KryoPack or wrap it around your waist and go! All the benefits of cold therapy. 

Ashley Black Guru - Back Pack Landing Page Testimonial Robinimage


“I had for the first time in my fifty years an answer to by distorted, achey body, including many issues with my spine. With distracting neck tension and a scary prognosis, a hip that was tight and out of place, and hands that had muscular tension that made simple things like doing dishes dreadful. It was hard to even change my Grandson’s diaper. I decided to take control with the FasciaBlaster tools and give it a try. It’s been 9 months and I am so happy that my body is relaxing, the temporary blood flow from blasting has made a huge difference and symmetry is so much better. And best of all I have answers!”

Fascia and muscles pull the spine 



Ashley Black Guru

When we talk about “the spine” we have to remember that it is not “one thing”, it’s a lot of things working as one. The spine is made up of 33 individual segments called vertebrae, the top 24 being moveable. Think of the top 24 as individual joints, that need to sit in their proper place and move freely at each segment. Remember the spinal segments are BONES so they can’t leap into curves, or rotations, or compression on their own! The muscles and the fascia together is what can pull the spine into dysfunction as it is what runs in between, around and all the way down the back. If you haven’t seen my TEDx TALK yet, I talk quite a bit about it there! Check me out ❤️

When we exercise or participate in activities such as gardening or golf we need “perfect form” in order to keep our muscles happy. When we walk, it requires good posture and lots of core strength. When we sit, we need spinal alignment to prevent muscle fatigue. Even when we sleep we need good support and proper position. NO WONDER OUR MUSCLES and FASCIA are exhausted, I’m exhausted just writing this! So, when one side is stronger, one segment is weak; when one side is tighter, one segment is immobilized; when a section is stuck in a clump of fascia, our poor spine can be pulled into almost any shape.

So, we better get busy getting in alignment! How?


Working on your symmetry - Check out the “Wall Test” 


FasciaBlast- FULL BODY to make sure the fascia is not yanking you around- literally!


FasciaMechanics - FULL BODY for strength in alignment

Ashley Black Guru - Back Pack Landing Page Testimonial Kandice


“Ashley Black I can never thank you enough for this tool into my life. I have been blasting my right shoulder for more movement but little by little it is improving. Also my stiffness and cramping feeling in my back and around my head is subsiding with consistency. I have been able to start a new workout routine and my strength keeps getting better and better more and more of my muscles firing. My blasting routine.... (what was there) add: Ashley launching the extenders has been a game changer!”

Fascia is the feeder and protector of the discs




This is the most “sciency” of the 3 concepts, but I think you all will enjoy the concept. We all know that something dies when it isn’t fed. So, if we want our structures to stay alive we have to feed them! Most cells are fed nutrients through the blood supply, and let’s not forget that the almighty fascia houses the blood through our vascular system!     

Ashley Black Guru - Back Pack Landing Page Testimonial Kandice

{2}{3} The intervertebral discs, which sit between the vertebral segments and serve as shock absorbers to the spine are special. They are not given direct blood supply! STOP THE PRESSES, then how do we feed them and keep them alive and supple? Well, the disc is surrounded by a ring called the annulus fibrosus. And the outer edge of the ring is made up of fascia, and it’s the outer ring that takes the nutrients to the disc through osmosis! 🤔

That’s crazy! It’s like a “feeding tube” for your discs! So, we want to make sure enough blood flow gets to the muscles and fascia of the back so there can be a buffet of nutrients ready to go! The FasciaBlaster tools increase temporary blood flow to the area, so this is a perfect way to ensure proper nutrient delivery!

And we definitely want our discs ALIVE! In fact, in an article by the National Institute of Health {4} it states that: “As a disc degenerates, small bony outgrowths (bone spurs) may form at the edges of the affected vertebrae. These bone spurs may pinch (compress) the spinal nerves, leading to weakness or numbness in the arms or legs. If the bone spurs compress the spinal cord, affected individuals can develop problems with walking and bladder and bowel control. Over time, a degenerating disc may break down completely and leave no space between vertebrae, which can result in impaired movement, pain, and nerve damage.”





Did you know the foot is filled with fascia?

  • There are 26 independent bones in the foot
  • There are 33 joints in the foot
  • Fascia comes from all over the body and ends in the feet
  • The fascia is primarily responsible for the mobility of these 33 joints
  • Fascia can "stick" and immobilize a joint and alter the movement of the foot

Tight fascia can present and plantar fasciitis, heel pain and achy feet.  This can cause a chain of body pain all the way up the leg to the knees, hips, back and neck.

Here is an example of using the fascia blaster on the feet:











Start with a foot kit on SALE now!



















Access the sale HERE








More Body Sculpting Therapies include Microcurrent:








Dr. Kelley uses micro-current technology with a special topical formula to flush the lymph, improve cir-culation and "detox" the sub-dermal tissues.

These photos are from ONE session!




